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20/20 Vision

2020 has been quite some year. Everyone reading this already knows about the havoc COVID-19 has had on everyone’s lives, so I won’t bother going into detail. While this blog is written within the backdrop of the dreaded Coronavirus, it will not be the focus. Instead, I want to look…

2020 and the women who made history.

We all know that 2020 has not been the best year. We have gone through very complex and challenging times and with the pandemic and the uncertainty of the future, it’s easy to lose hope when everything seems so bleak. But the world is full of possibilities and even in…

NEWS: That Girl, Peueot joins Festival Formula Slate!

We are very excited to announce That Girl, Peugeot has been selected for the Festival Formula slate. Founded by Katie McCullough, Festival Formula have over fifteen years’ experience strategising film festival submissions and will be managing our festivals submission over the next 12 months. The organisation works with both short…
Our Work

The Ride

The Ride explores one woman's journey to finding her voice. The short is written and directed by Tara Aghdashloo and produced by Elettra Pizzi. The film is executive produced by Karla Williams, Sahar Yousefi and Joy Gharoro-Akpojotor.

NEWS: That Girl, Peugeot – Film Posters

We are thrilled to be able to share the film posters for our short film That Girl, Peugeot Starring Abigail Cruttenden, Kaitlyn Akinpelumi and Ricky Fearon, the short is written by Natalie Ekberg. The film tells the story of Peugeot’s, who's world collapsed when her father died; he being the…

What Award Season Taught Us

Award season is complete, but what has it taught us? The lack of diversity and lack of female representation was highlighted again and again and it's getting harder and harder to be wilfully blind to it. Women were still overlooked in so many categories and it feels like the industry is…

Rough with the Smooth

2019 has been quite some year. There have been many great achievements and accomplishments. But, accompanying the proverbial rough of the smooth, there have been disappointments and challenges too. Let’s start with the smooth. This was the year that we officially launched MsMono and I have been wonderfully surprised by…

NEWS: First Look at That Girl, Peugeot

We are so excited to share the first looks of our short film That, Girl Peugeot. Written by Natalie Ekberg and The most important information about dosing is that it NOT as precise dutasteride, and that the patient should be instructed not to exceed the indicated dose, or dosing may…

Thoughts of a Grand-Millennial

During my daily procrastination scroll of Facebook, I came across a meme that left me feeling more self aware than I have in years.  Grand-millennial A mid-twenty something who prefers being at home with a blanket and Netflix than out partying. At the time, I chuckled and sent it on…

The Power of Perspective

I’ve learnt that the perspective in which you view your life is changeable. Sometimes this shifts due to a huge life event, sometimes through smaller life lessons. Perspective according to the Cambridge English Dictionary is “a particular way of considering something”. I’ve always considered Life to be too short to…